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Botan Rice Candy (6 Pack) with 2 Gosutoys Stickers

Botan Rice Candy (6 Pack) with 2 Gosutoys Stickers

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About Products:
I highly recommend the Botan Rice Candy 6 Pack with 2 Gosutoys Stickers for anyone looking to satisfy their sweet tooth with a unique and delicious treat. This traditional Japanese candy features a chewy texture and a subtle sweetness that is unlike any other candy on the market. The addition of two Gosutoys stickers adds a fun and playful touch to the packaging, making this product perfect for both children and adults alike. The convenient 6 pack ensures that you'll have plenty of candy to enjoy and share with friends and family. Treat yourself to a taste of Japan with the Botan Rice Candy 6 Pack with 2 Gosutoys Stickers today!

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